5 quick morning movements

Whether you’ve woken up before your alarm or hit the snooze multiple times already, here are 5 quick movements to fit into your morning routine.

Empty coat sleeves

Empty coat sleeves

Imagine you have a huge coat on or a dress with a huge skirt. Feet are about the width of your mat and keep a slight bend in your knees as you sway from side to side.

Keep your arms loose and they swing round with you - as if you are swinging your big skirt from side to side.

You can get faster as you sway, your hands tap your sides as you swing.

Stretch tall

Feet are hip width apart for this one. Stretch yourself as tall as you can, maybe clasping the hands and pressing the palms to the ceiling..

If you can, lift up to your tiptoes to add a bit of a balance (great way to focus in the morning) to really stretch yourself as far as you can.

Forward fold

Feet still hip width apart, place your hands on your hips and send your bum back as you fold.

Once you are dangling, try and shift your hips over your heels (it will feel like you’re pressing your weight pretty far forward). You could release your hands here or grab hold of your elbows with the opposite hand.

You can keep a big old bend in the knees here and relax the top of the head towards the ground.


Start on all fours, knees stacked under hips and hands under shoulders. As you inhale, drop your belly, roll your shoulders back and find the arch in your spine. As you exhale, push down through your palms to press your shoulders up, pulling your tummy button up to the ceiling and rounding the back.

Move through these 2 movements as many times as you wish.

Child’s pose

From your all fours position, take your knees mat width and send your bum back towards your heels. Send your arms out in from and send your forehead down towards the ground.

Take some deep breaths here, focusing yourself ready for the day ahead!


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